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Noel Swanson

10 Fast Weight Loss Tips You Need To Use

Weight loss can be tough, but if you make a plan and stick to it, you will succeed. Check out the following ways in which you can vastly improve your eating lifestyle and take those pounds off.
1. Identify your target weight. Aside from any Hollywood standard, what is your ideal weight? If you need to lose 25 pounds total, then set a weekly goal that will help you reach that ideal weight over time. The healthy habits you adopt should become permanent, to help keep the weight from returning.
2. Start a work out routine. Find something you like in a conducive environment and do it at least three times a week. No matter how much you cut calories, you are not really going to burn fat and drop the weight you want without serious regular exercise.
3. Stop drinking soda. Period. It's very unhealthy for you and even the so-called diet version contains too many empty calories. There are things you could be drinking like green tea and bottled water that will work in conjunction with your weight loss efforts; use them liberally!
4. Eliminate all junk and fast-food. There is really no excuse to keep eating at burger joints and filling yourself up with potato chips; if you are serious about weight loss, you just won't let yourself do that anymore! Although it's difficult to completely eliminate processed foods from our diets, it's easy to skip the drive-through and pork-skins.
5. Fill up with water. Not only is this a healthy drink for you, it will also trick your tummy into thinking you are full! Have a glass right when you wake up, even before coffee, and all your internal organs will function better over the course of the day. Enjoy one glass before every meal, and you will find yourself much less hungry.
6. Start using small plates. Over the years, the plates Americans eat on have gotten bigger and bigger: this really is no surprise, considering obesity statistics. Invest in smaller serving plates to limit portions on a regular basis and this alone should result in noticeable weight loss over time.
7. Avoid all fad or crash diet methods. No matter how tempting, such efforts are futile and counter-productive to long-term and healthy weight loss. Don't consider using any diet plan that your doctor would not approve of.
8. Try eating several small meals throughout your day. This can be very beneficial to your digestive system and aid in systematic weight-loss. Calculating everything you eat and making sure it's healthy will eliminate dangerous between-meal snacking that will keep pounds on.
9. Get plenty of sleep. People who are sleep-deprived tend to over-eat and make poor choices throughout their day. Those who get a full eight hours have plenty of energy to sustain them and don't indulge in diet-costly binging. Don't overlook this important element of weight loss.
10. Stick with it! Depending on your age and metabolism, as well as other individual circumstances, your weight loss may not happen as quickly as you'd like. Despite your tireless (and often tasteless!) efforts, you might see only marginal progress on the scale, but don't give up! You're eating and living much healthier now, and it will pay off!
Use these tips regularly and you will lose the weight. Remember to keep it healthy and not give up!
remember to keep

Very Effective Weight Loss Strategies

Losing some weight and getting an ideal silhouette is not as hard as it seems. You should go over this article if you need some help with developing an efficient weight loss program.
Do your best to get some physical activity on a daily basis. You should go for a walk or ride your bike for at least thirty minutes a day. Small changes such as taking the stairs or walking around the building during your breaks at work can make a difference on the long term. Find some new hobbies and activities to stay busy in your free time rather than watching TV or surfing the Internet.
Develop a fitness program adapted to your needs. Start very slowly with some light exercise. You can do some abs at home to target your midsection and start slimming down. Developing your midsection will help you become more resistance and you should soon be able to work out more intensely. Create different workout routines so you can exercise every other day.
Working on your cardio will help you burn a lot of calories. Running, swimming or riding a bike are excellent cardio workouts but practicing your favorite team sport or martial art is a good choice too. Start slowly by working on your cardio twice a week for thirty minutes at a time. Try working on your cardio more frequently and for longer periods of time as you build more resistance.
Learn to recognize unhealthy foods. You need to avoid foods too rich in fat, sugar and sodium such as processed foods, fried foods and fast food menu items. These foods cause you to gain a lot of weight without providing you with the vitamins and nutrients you need. Always look at the labels of the foods and the beverages you buy to assess how healthy they are. Do not let fat free or light foods fool you; these items often contain large amounts of another unhealthy ingredient.
Adopt a well-balanced diet. You do not need to eliminate anything from your diet to get in shape. You will get an ideal silhouette if you eat recommended daily portions of different types of foods. Your diet should include six to eight portions of cereal a day to get some energy. Five portions of fruits and vegetables a day will provide you with the fibers and vitamins you need. Two or three portions of meat a day are needed but you can replace meat with another source of protein. Eat dairy products, fats and oils in small quantities.
Follow a more regular schedule. You will be less likely to snack on unhealthy foods if you get used to eating three meals a day at fixed hours. Have five small meals a day if you always get hungry between meals. Avoid distractions when you eat so you can stop when you are full. If you tend to overeat, put smaller portions on your plate and choose healthy filling foods instead of empty calories.
Adopt these weight loss strategies to develop your own program. You will get good results if you take the time to transform your lifestyle for good instead of going on a crash diet.

The Safe Weight Loss Supplements

The market is saturated with weight loss products from pills to exercise machines. The main problem when it comes to supplements for shedding weight is finding something that it not just helpful in weight loss but also making sure that it is safe. Here are the supplements that are known to be safe and free from adverse effects.
If you're looking for a supplement that can help to control your appetite, fiber may be the solution to your dilemma. Fiber helps you feel full sooner and for a longer time. You can eat more vegetables or try a fiber supplement like those made from psyllium husks. Some studies also indicate that fiber helps increase the metabolism slightly.
Whey Protein
Protein is one of the best weight loss supplements you can utilize for fast weight loss. Protein essentially suppresses the appetite which is very helpful in losing weight. Protein also helps build muscles and the more muscles you have, the more calories you will be burning daily. Whey protein is very easy to prepare so you don't have to worry about preparing healthy meals when you have very limited time.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
CLA is an omega-3 fatty acid that is believed to aid in weight loss. Take note that this is not just one of the safe weight reduction supplements but it also has anti-cancer properties. There are several animal and human studies which prove that CLA can help in the reduction of body fat. CLA can be found primarily in dairy products and beef so if you consume diet primarily composed of fruits and vegetables, you may have insufficient CLA levels which can lead to weight gain.
Mango Seed Fiber
African Mango Seed fiber has been used as a remedy for losing weight for a long time. New studies indicate that this supplement can be helpful in the reduction of body fat. Some studies also indicate that it can help treat diabetes and reduce cholesterol. This is currently one of the most popular natural weight loss supplements on the market.
Now that you have an idea what you should be looking for in weight loss supplements, you can start your quest in finding the best product for you. However, you have to understand that no supplement can magically help you lose weight. You still have to control your food intake and exercise if you want to experience any result. If you continue to consume more calories than your body needs, you will not lose weight.
Linda Toril is an health care professional, a blogger and also an article writer who writes articles on fitness, weight issues and the various types of weight loss supplements

Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans.
Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on.
Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine prints. Every little bit counts towards your weight loss goals.
Eat smaller portions at each meal. Invest in smaller size plates to make sure you are not tempted to eat more. Less food on a bigger plate might give you the impression that you are not eating enough and end up taking more food. Just make sure you are having well-balanced meals, even though smaller portions.
The occasional deviation from your diet is no big deal. Being too strict might lead to stress and this is not good for your weight loss plans. You might get so frustrated and just give up. Stress can also lead to binge eating.
Sticking to the same old food day in and day out can be boring and uninspiring. Try healthy food from around the world right at home. Some of them can be easy to cook in your home kitchen.
Eating your main meals in front of the TV, work table or computer screen is a typical bad habit among some of us. It is difficult to be eating healthily this way and besides it is bad for your digestion. If you must be munching on some food while working, munch on carrot sticks instead.
Poor food choices, unhealthy snacks and too much fast and processed food not only lead to an expanding waistline but also clogged arteries. Taking control of the way you eat can lead to positive weight loss and a healthy body.
Do visit the site and get these beautiful safe cookware as companions in your healthy weight loss diet plans.

Four Important Principles for Light Speed Weight Loss

There are principles to keep in mind when thinking about losing a few pounds or getting slender. There can be a lot of hype on miracle diets and miracle pills but the best approach is by human physiology. Here are a few resourceful tips to make weight loss a part of everyday life and accelerate results.
1. Throw the miracle diets out the windows!
The negative diet, fruits diet, veggies diet and the super miracle divine diet, there are many. But none of them promote the key principle of losing weight, consistency on healthy dietary habits. Using those you never reach stable weight let a lone a good shape. You just fall victim of the Yo-yo effect you lose 3, 5, even 10 pounds but once to switch to your regular eating habits you gain more than what you lost. This is the body defense mechanism against starvation. So set a dietary routine that you can follow everyday, plan your meals and make goo decision making a habit. It's better for you and your family any ways.
2. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition
Good nutrition is not only essential is the only thing. If you have the chance to do only one thing to control and lose weight, just focus on your nutrition. The most anabolic thing you put in your body is food. Remember the saying "you are what you eat." Well it applies to your fitness efforts. Avoid fatty foods, they can be unconsciously addictive and we tend to overeat those types of foods.
3. Get active
This one is simple, exercise at least 30 minutes a day. I believe in one intense session of 15-20 minutes than one hour. In losing fat high intensity is key.
4. Discipline and persistence
Don't quit and never give up; every day is a milestone towards the bigger goal.
No matter how frustrating it can be, healthy weight loss requires consistency, good dietary habits not miracle diets, activity and focus. You can shortcut you time by using supplements like my secret tool, but those are "booster" that only works if the key principles of weight loss management are synergistically working.
So no matter what promise of ever green grass on the other side, magic pill or magic diet, the only way to lose weight is trough a set of principles that includes the ones I talked about. Supplements can help you get there faster, but only if you are working hard and consistently on your heath and fitness. Remember that losing weight is an ongoing process and has to be made a routine. Stay strong and keep going, no matter how hard and struggling it may seem.
Angel Feliciano is a regular guy who like you is trying to get in better shape. He knows the pain of being over weight and having little time to manage your weight loss efforts. To see his free Secrets of healthy weight loss report and to find out his Secret tools for maximum weight loss and easy fat crunching visit [].

Fast Weight Loss Dieting - Shouldn't I Just Decrease My Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Fast?

Speed. That's typically the first word that comes to the minds of many who are looking to get in shape. Fast weight loss dieting is something that many want to do, but don't really understand what truly will work quickly... WITHOUT the negative consequences.
That being said, one of the most common approaches to lose weight fast is to simply decrease your calorie intake. The theory is very straightforward: If you eat X amount of calories a day and you are either gaining weight or maintaining weight, then simply reduce your calorie intake by X amount, and you'll get amazing results. Although the numbers game here makes sense, it's not as straightforward as it may seem.
The reason why is very simple: It is highly recommended that you DO NOT solely focus on losing weight fast simply by decreasing your calorie intake simply because WHAT and HOW you eat is more important than HOW MUCH you eat.
You see, you could just decrease your calorie intake and eat nothing but an unhealthy lunch each day (such as 4 slices of pizza and some fries) to reach your total daily calorie intake requirement. Doing this may equal the total amount of calories you need as far as NUMBERS are concerned for you to lose weight, but you are doing your body a major disservice. What will end up happening is you'll suffer from a mountain of problems (a slower metabolism, digestive issues, more body fat, a loss of energy, and more)!
The primary focus should always be on what it is you are eating and how you are eating as opposed to how much you are eating. This is not to say that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. You still do need to eat a little less than you normally would if you want to lose weight, but the point I'm trying to make is that strictly focusing on decreasing your calorie intake is not going to get you the results you want.
Now, to explain the WHAT and the HOW...
The WHAT means eating the right types of nutrients (such as foods high in antioxidants, healthy fats, healthy carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals). The HOW means eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, eating slower, not eating bad foods late at night, ALWAYS eating breakfast every morning, etc.
So, to answer the question of if you should simply just decrease your calorie intake to drop those pounds quickly, as you can see from the above, this is definitely not a good idea. Focus more on what it is you are eating and how you are eating and you'll not only drop pounds quickly, you'll also improve your overall health as well... PERMANENTLY!
ATTENTION Anyone who is sick of failing their weight loss goals:
Want to discover my top 18 weight loss secrets to lose weight fast... WITHOUT fad dieting, diet pills, or dangerous methods? Click HERE and I'll give you this special report... 100% FREE!

Burn Stomach Fat - 5 Delightful Ideas to Decrease the Flab

So, trying to burn stomach fat, eh? Aren't we all? Let me guess, you're doing 1000s of crunches, pondering purchasing (if you haven't already) one of those ab crunch machines, and you just can't seem to strip that fat.
Look, we've all been there. However, I want to let you in on a little secret: You are doing things WRONG! Doing crunches or sit-ups will work the abdominal muscles, however, the real culprit, and the reason you are not losing any fat there, is your diet. Surprised? Hey, it happens.
I want to enlighten you to a few little tips that will help you burn stomach fat...
1. Stop eating white flour and white sugar. Both are highly refined and bad for your body.
2. Eliminate the junk food! We all indulge ourselves every now and again, however, you need to cut down on the junk food.
3. Do NOT starve yourself. If you start cutting too many calories your metabolism will "learn" and adjust, slowing down. This means that you will burn less calories.
4. Start eating 5 to 6 meals each day (obviously, the meals are smaller). In doing so, you will keep your metabolism revved throughout the day, meaning you will lose more weight. Fitness and weight loss experts have been saying this for years now. It is about time that we start listening.
5. Do NOT eat within 2 hours of going to sleep. Your metabolism naturally slows when you sleep, meaning anything eaten shortly before sleep will sit in your stomach and not get burned off. Most likely, it will be converted to fat and stored.. you guessed it.. on or near your stomach.
Listen. These tips are only part of the puzzle. You really need to get a proper diet and exercise plan going if you truly want to burn stomach fat. Luckily, there are plenty of great programs out there on the internet.
Quit procrastinating and get started today!
===> Burn Stomach Fat! <===

Shed Weight More Quickly By Using These Straightforward Ideas

It can be complicated if you are filled with excess weight when there's an overload of knowledge available. Start off slowly and slow-moving don't try to get rid of a lot of excess weight right away. This short article features effortless tips and advice to aid get you on the right track to weight loss approach.
Aim for a particular clothes dimension rather than a objective bodyweight target. Tend not to observe the amount on that size! Dumbbells vary tremendously from person to another. Everybody is various, so seeking first weight can be silly sometimes. Pinpoint the apparel you wish to be instead.
You don't have to give up preference in terms of shedding weight. It was once that body weight-decrease food products were boring foods. There are now better alternatives in terms of sweeteners you may use as an alternative to sugars. This allows you want to nonetheless ingest meals that flavor excellent whilst continuing on your own weight-loss journey.
Take in with a close friend which means you consume less. Having on your own offers you nothing at all to pay attention to cleaning up our plates.
Make an effort to lower your existence. Tension can trigger the enticement caused from unhealthy food.
To assist someone attempting to lose weight, check into other forms of getting all around instead of utilizing your auto. Actual physical methods of touring like strolling, like working or bicycling, may help you burn calories whilst you get from stage a to level b. Calories which can be eaten throughout the day stay in the body. You are able to preclude this from going on by eliminating these calories.
Reveal weight with as many sets of people as possible. You could potentially perform a website concerning your fat loss quest. This helps you remain inspired because you don't want anyone to feel let down.
Genuine weight reduction starts initially from the thoughts then comes about within the body. As soon as you come to be identified to shed weight, that self-control will make it easier to implement significant change in lifestyle.
A good suggestion whilst dieting is to provide your food on the more compact platter. Individuals are utilized to meals that fulfills up their plate when consuming foods. If you minimize the size of platter, you can expect to trick your brain.
In case you are experiencing a difficult time with weight loss programs which are traditional, you will want to test different alternatives like "Alli". This particular substance actively works to help reduce the quantity of fat you eat from food. It foliage your whole body as weight. This can be beneficial for everyone who have a hard time losing weight.
An excellent technique for weight reduction is to use smaller dishes. More compact dinnerware can make your dish more compact helpings along with a reduce desire to consume a lot more. This technique is a straightforward method to minimize unhealthy calories and keep oneself content.
Keep away from goods that supply vacant pledges. Any body weight you might see would only last so long as you continuing to accept nutritional supplement.
A good way to shed some weight is actually by going out for the hike. You may enjoy nature when burning up calories. The more physically demanding and difficult the hike is, the speedier you can expect to burn calories.
If you are attempting to lose weight, it might be a good idea to get all your outfits at thrift shops. You don't want to acquire costly clothes that can in the near future be too big for you personally.
Making love is ways to support help you get shed some energy. Getting healthful sexual activity is a great way to manage the amount of food you consume which is ways to find some good entertaining physical exercise.
That is how easy it really is! Generally educate yourself, which in turn, will help you in keeping your inspiration. Your brand new seem may be the thing that will help you stay encouraged. You can utilize these guidelines to determine an effective schedule and avoid turning into stressed.
If you really want to lose weight fast then you must try green coffee bean extract. With this you will lose weight without exercise or diet! Speed up the weight loss process now visit

What Are Some Helpful Weight Loss Tips For Women

Diet and exercise are important factors to leading a long and healthy life, and weight loss is a vital part of having that healthy lifestyle. No matter where you look today, it seems that everyone has something different to say about how best to lose weight and keep it off but how do you know what will work best for you? By following a few of the safe and simple steps listed below, you will be on the path to getting, and staying, fit and healthy.
1. Don't start dieting without speaking to a doctor. For many people, starting an exercise program is quite safe, but depending on your age and certain risk factors, it's always a good idea to speak with your health professional before starting any kind of weight loss program.
2. Don't eat too little. Forcing your body into starvation or consuming only one kind of food, for example drinking only juice, can be very dangerous for your health. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals leaves your body vulnerable to sickness and disease, which is counterproductive to what you're trying to achieve.
3. You can't lose weight with diet alone. If you believe that the best way to start weight loss is through simply watching what you eat, you'd be mistaken. Achieving a healthy body and overall weight is best achieved through mixing both diet and exercise. Your body needs to be active in order to burn calories.
4. You can't do more than one diet at a time. You shouldn't combine more than one weight loss program since following one regimen may contrast with the other, leaving you feeling frustrated. Also, if you stop one diet to start another, you may not see the results you were trying to get so it's important to follow a diet and exercise program that best meets your personal needs and stick with it.
5. Don't try to lose weight quickly. You shouldn't try to lose the most weight you can in the least amount of time. This can cause damage to you health-wise and cause problems with your metabolism. Losing more than 3 pounds in a month is considered dangerous and unhealthy. Losing weight takes time and patience and you'll see more effective results in the long term if you follow the program you have chosen consistently.
Rick enjoys writing articles on a wide variety of topics and interests. Come visit his latest website over at portable air conditioning units [] which helps people find the best small portable air conditioner [] and information they need to make a wise decision about them.

Good and Healthy Way to Lose Weight Fast

There are a lot of diets out there, all of them with different names and characteristics. But, does this magic diet, that will end our weight problems without making us feel tired and overwhelmed, really exist? Well, I have found that this diet does exist.
To have a better understanding of this we have to realize that the human body is an adaptable machine and our metabolism is always looking for adaptation even in the most extreme conditions. Having said that, it is easy to affirm that we have to change our diet constantly in order to trick our metabolism and lose weight faster. Does it sound complicated? Trust me; it is not complicated at all.
We do this all the time without even notice it. We change our meals day by day. The problem is: we don´t know exactly what we are doing.
The best way to drop fat is by counting the calories per day that we eat everyday.
If you eat less calories per day than the necessary amount, you are going to lose weight. On the contrary, if you eat more calories per day than the necessary amount, you are going to reverse the results. It is as simple as that.
This is the secret the nutritionists, bodybuilders, and now regular people, like you and me, know. I have to say that with this method I have lost more than 50 pounds in less than three months.
Now that I have explained the ´what´, it is time for me to explain the ´how´.
How many calories a day to lose weight
This is in fact pretty simple. A basic rule that bodybuilders use all the time is to multiply your current weight by 15. The result is the amount of calories per day that your body needs to maintain your current weight. This is the amount of calories that you actually are eating every single day.
For example:
Let´s say that your current weight is 190 pounds.
Then the amount of calories per day that you have to eat to maintain your current weight will be:
190 x 15 = 2,850 calories per day
2,850 calories is the amount of calories needed to keep you current weight permanently.
What if I want to lose weight with this method? Simple. You only have to subtract 500 calories from this result and you will be losing weight in no time.
Let´s get back to the last example. If your weight is 190 pounds then the formula will be:
190 x 15 - 500 = 2,350 calories per day
2,350 calories per day is the amount of calories needed for you to lose weight.
Rinse and repeat
As I said at the beginning, your body will try to get used to this new regime, looking for adaptation. You will lose weight for a few days, then your body will adapt and you will stop losing weight. At this point you only have to repeat the formula.
Let´s say that your new weight is 180 pounds, the new amount of calories per day will be as follow:
180 x 15 - 500 = 2200 calories per day
If what you want is to gain some weight, although this is not the topic of this article, you only have to add 500 (instead of subtract) calories to the above formula.
The above method is recommended for people with more than 115 pounds. Do not eat less than 1,200 calories a day or your health will be in danger.
Idelfonso Alcides Duverge is very experienced doing diets for losing and gaining weight, and love to write about his experiences. he hopes you enjoyed reading his article and maybe learned something from his passion.

Helpful Weight Loss Ideas for Staying Slim, Fit and Healthy

There are many weight loss ideas which you can try if you want to lose weight quickly. However, this may not be a good way to ensure a lifelong outcome if you'll resort on short-term weight loss diets. So, the best thing to do is to take on a slow weight reduction plan to acquire several health benefits in the long run.
Things to Consider For Safe Weight Loss
When talking about fat burning ideas, it always involves choosing and eating the right foods. This can be done by following the food pyramid to ensure that your plate is still packed with the needed nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and fiber yet with low calories on each food serving.
Also, when taking on a weight loss diet, it is important to avoid skipping your meals especially on eating breakfast since normally, this is the best time where your metabolism is active and when this is active, it facilitates burning up of calories.
Other ideas to facilitate safe and precise diet plan:
Drinking water at least 8 glasses a day
Counting the recommended calories per meal
Performing daily exercises
Types of Exercises
Weight exercises
Weight training regimen must be done thrice every week to burn more fats/calories. However, the major muscle groups should undergo alternate work out for better results. Like on the 1st day, you can work out your upper muscle groups (chest, shoulder, triceps, and biceps), on 2nd day your lower muscle groups (hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and buttocks), then the following day you can do exercises to specific body areas like your abdomen and chest.
Cardiovascular exercises
This can burn excessive calories as the heart rate increases. It can be performed at least 5 times in a week to improve weight loss and to toughen your cardio and respiratory systems. Examples of cardio exercises include jogging, running, jumping rope, sprinting and many more.
2,000-Calorie-A-Day Meal Plan According To WebMD
1) orange juice
2) fat-free milk
3) Spicy breakfast burrito which includes scrambled egg, tortilla, salsa and black beans
1) Whole grain bread with roast beef or chicken, mushrooms, lettuce, part-skim mozzarella and mustard too.
2) ¾ cup of baked potato wedges
1) broiled salmon, rice, and slivered almonds
2) fat-free milk
3) broccoli (steamed)
Snack: cantaloupe
Again, there are many weight loss ideas available but make sure it's safe and healthy to follow to ensure that you're losing weight but doesn't harm your overall health aspect. Many people go with the mentality of just losing weight and tend to forget the importance of maintaining health.
We have tested hundreds of weight loss programs & methods and isolated a simple, fast and safe way to lose 10lbs in 7 days or less. To discover this FREE and quick solution download our complimentary "Lose 10lbs in 7 days or less" report here:

Helpful Eating Tips for Weight Loss

When eating to lose body fat or just eating in general for that matter, it is important to set start and stop times. In other words, it is important to know when your meals start and end. Many people often cheat on their diet at night when their cravings are at their strongest. They will say to themselves that their last meal will be at 8pm and that they will go to bed at 11pm. Of course this seldom works. Many people will abandon their diets and eat exactly what they are not supposed to eat at this point. Now they are stressed because they are dieting, stressed because they are cheating on their diet, and stressed out about whatever else may be going on in their lives. What makes them feel good? Food that are considered to be "off limits" during dieting of course. When someone is shown raiding the kitchen at night, they are often shown eating foods filled with sugar such as ice cream and cookies.
The easiest way to circumvent this is to first extend the time that you eat your last meal. "But everything that you eat before bed gets stored as body fat" is often said. Just to avoid an argument lets say that having your last meal at 8pm is "superior" to having your last meal at 10pm for fat loss if you plan on sleeping at 11pm. That is assuming that you can stick to it. If you are setting your self up for disaster by your "superior" meal timing then I don't think that it is that effective.
Now that you are eating a little later in the day to beat late night cravings, your next step is to simply tell yourself that after your 10pm meal, there will be no more food no matter what. It is really easy to tell yourself that eating is over and done with for the day. Just think of your job. You may not want to get their at 7am in the morning everyday but you do even though it is a pain in the butt. Why? Because you tell yourself that you will and because you have to. Now imagine that you didn't have to get their at 7am, and that you could just stroll in whenever you wanted. You would never get there at 7am would you?
It is important to create a schedule and stick to it when dieting or living for that matter or else sh*t just doesn't get done. So after your last meal of the day remember "STOP!"
Chris DeLaTorre is the author of You're Doing It Wrong! available for purchase at

Are Cottage Cheese and Pineapple Good for Weight Loss?

Dieting is a very important part of a weight loss program. Many people usually gain weight because of the kind of food they eat. When they eat foods that are high in calories and sugars, and those which interfere with digestion it makes it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Many people are healthy and have maintained an average weight. Their major 'secret' is eating the right kinds of food.
Fresh vegetables and fruits are advisable for maintaining good health; they also help guard against becoming overweight. Vegetables, such as spinach, have fibers that help in weight loss by removing food from the stomach and help aid with digestion. Fruits on the other hand act as antioxidants, which means they help to get rid of toxins that interfere with normal body functions and this helps lead to weight loss.
Cottage cheese can be used for weight loss because it has less calories and fat and therefore it won't add more weight to your body. Cottage cheese also helps with weight loss because it stays in the stomach for a long time. This uses more of the body's energy for digestion because of the high protein content. You can replace high calorie and high carbohydrate foods with this low calorie milk product if you want to lose weight.
The high protein in cottage cheese makes it the right diet food for people who are involved in intense physical exercises. Its consistency makes it take a long time to completely burn off. Therefore it provides constant energy for athletes as well as body builders. It is also high in calcium content which is not available in other high protein diets.
One of the best ways to lose weight is by taking care of your general health. This requires that you eat a well balanced diet and get more exercise. Pineapple can also help in other health related problems such as high blood pressure. It helps removes harmful toxins from the body and aids in cleaning up the digestive system. It also contains vital nutrients that are essential for the body; and calcium is the most prominent.
This citrus fruit also contains natural sugars that have a low glycemic index and also helps to provide energy for the muscles. Pineapple also has an important enzyme called bromelain that aids in digestion of food containing proteins. This enzyme has properties that act as an anti-inflammatory remedy, and helps the body to recover from trauma such as a bruise, cut, sprain or any type of discomfort caused by pain. Pineapple works best after an illness when you want a boost in the recovery process. Another useful nutrient found in this fruit is Vitamin B12. If you are looking for food that is loaded with B12 you should eat this fruit.
When you are looking for the right fruits to buy, choose fresh ones as they have all the properties and nutrients you need. The advantage that pineapples and other fruits have over processed food products is that they are 100% natural. This makes them very reliable without any possible side effects. You should include a wide variety of vegetables and fruits for weight loss.
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Helpful Advice In How To Lose Weight Effectively

With the busy lives of so many people today, sometimes it is difficult to find an effective way to lose weight. When you feel like you are always pressed for time, you tend to eat less healthy and pay less attention to your health overall. You may have tried quick-fix fad diets that promised dramatic weight loss in a short period of time, but found out that the results did not last. If you have gone through this, do not lose hope. You can lose weight effectively if you stick with some basic guidelines. Read this article to learn what they are.
Junk food is often the biggest culprit in excessive weight gain. When you are hungry and you do not have time to fix yourself something healthy to eat, you tend to grab whatever snack you have around the house. If you have junk food around the house, that will probably be what you will eat. So, one of the first things you must do is get rid of all the junk food in the house. Remove all the chips, cookies, and other types of snacks that provide you with no nutritional value.
Instead, replace these junk food snacks with healthy alternatives. Buy more fresh fruits and eat those whenever you feel like eating something sweet. The natural sugars in fruit can sufficiently satisfy your cravings for sugar. Have some nuts on hand for times when you want something salty. This is a better options than eating chips. Even though you may think that nuts are high in fats, the are also high in protein. You only need to eat a few to satisfy your hunger.
If you are accustomed to buying lunch at work, you are subjecting yourself to meals that are most likely high on salt and fat. The smarter thing to do is to pack your own lunch to work. There are so many low-fat and low-salt lunch options that you can bring. Consider a turkey sandwich and some fruit for a low-fat, high protein lunch. Or, bring some cottage cheese and veggie sticks. When you bring your own lunch, you can control how many calories you are going to eat. In addition, you will be saving a lot of money by not buying lunch everyday.
Losing weight also requires regular exercise. A lot of people do not like to exercise because they think they do not have time for it or that it is too difficult. That fact is, you do not have to go to the gym to exercise and do routines that you do not like. To get yourself motivated to exercise, you should find something that you enjoy doing, that you would want to do regularly. What about a brief jog around your neighborhood after you get home from work? If you like to dance, that can be a great form of exercise if you do it several times a week.
These are very simple but effective things that you can do to lose weight. There are no quick fixes. However, if you stick with these suggestions, you will lose those extra pounds.

Helpful Nutrition Weight Loss Tips

When you eat right, you feel energized and good about yourself. This is because you aren't carrying around unwanted fats and toxins in your body. When you eat real healthy, nutritious foods you are supplying your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. So, what are these foods you should eat? The list is almost endless, so you'll never feel like you can't eat when you are on a health kick.
There are many nutrition weight loss tips out there, but you have to find the one that works best with your body type. Depending on your metabolism and genetics, you may not be able to eat the same foods as others can. Some people need to eat more protein than others and some people don't drink enough fluids. Everyday, you should try your hardest to eat 4 well balanced meals. These meals should contain fruits, vegetables, protein, grain and some fiber. Try to eat fiber in the morning because it will get your bowels moving and make you feel fuller, longer. When you feel full for long periods of time, you are less tempted to eat snacks throughout the day.
When you eat fruits and vegetables, not only are you lowering your calorie intake, you are giving your body the antioxidants it needs to fight off infections and decrease your risk of getting chronic health problems. When you eat healthy, not only are you creating a healthier body for yourself, you are losing weight. Choosing fruits and vegetables instead of greasy and fried foods is a very smart idea. You are giving your liver, kidneys and colon a break because you aren't putting a many poisons and toxins in your body.
Try eating eggs and a lean meat in the morning for breakfast. This will get you going and ready for the day. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday because this will keep you hydrated as well as detox your body. It is okay to eat your favorite foods, just make sure you do it in moderation. Everyone needs a bowl of ice cream, but you shouldn't have it everyday. With all of this, make sure that you create a regular workout schedule with at least 3 days of cardio exercise.
Additionally, going to bed at a certain time each night and getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep is a must for giving your body time to relax and regenerate itself each 24 hours.
In summary, eat healthy, get exercise, use nutritional supplements and get plenty of sleep and you will see that you release those unwanted pounds.
If you want to learn more about the best nutritional weight loss program please click here

Some Helpful Weight Loss Tips

If you are among those suffering from obesity and overweight, you need to take some serious actions to shed extra kilos. Because, being obese or overweight, you are inviting a number of diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure and Chest Pain. Over and above, obesity degrades your quality of life and gives birth to depression. Therefore, it is vital for you to lose weight and live a healthy life.
Losing weight looks easy, but it can turn out to be a difficult task as you have to refrain from your favorite food and include physical activities in your routine. Here are some useful medical weight loss tips:
• Avoid private or public transport for short distances: You do not need a car or bike to go to the closely located market, theater, eating joint, etc. Try going on foot; it will help you burn some calories and keep your body fit.
• Say no to snacks: Though you love snacks, you have to avoid their intake to make your weight loss goal achievable. French fries and all other deep fried items add to your body fat; therefore, it is better to stay away from them.
• Exercises: Exercise plays an important role in reducing weight and makes your body slim. You can also consider swimming, aerobics and crunches.
• Household chores: It is good to have a servant who washes clothes, do dishes and keeps your home neat and clean. But, it will be better if you do most of your household chores yourself as it can help you lose some kilos.
• Don't skip meals: It is a myth that low intake of food or skipping meals can burn calories. Since our body needs calories to burn calories, it is very important to eat right amount of healthy food after regular intervals of time.
• Drink sufficient amount of water: Water helps kidneys function properly, which helps in shedding calories.
• Start playing outdoor sports: Since outdoor sports are all about running and sweating, participating in one is a good way to lose weight naturally.
If you are not able to reduce or manage your weight even after following the above-mentioned tips, you can contact any of the reliable weight loss clinics. These clinics examine your body carefully and suggest a diet plan that is best and effective for you. They also suggest a few medicines and injections, so that you lose weight as soon as possible.
Gaurav Mahajan is a professional content writer and webmaster of California Medical Weight Management (CalMWM) reputed medical weight loss centers in California offers three-step (fast, safe and effective) weight loss programs for men & women. Free Consult with our physicians for personalized diet plan and healthy weight management.

Become Slim By Thinking Like A Slim Person

Those naturally slim people, you know the ones, they never need to worry about food or their weight and they certainly never need to go on a diet. They never stray too far from their best natural body weight and they never have to worry about becoming overweight.
These 'slim for life' people simply think in a different way to the rest of us - they don't crave unhealthy foods, or eat too much of them, and they never view eating healthy food as some sort of punishment. They also don't see exercise as a chore or avoid it. They just enjoy eating healthy foods and being physically active, or they barely think about these things at all as they are just a normal and natural part of their everyday lives.
If we could install the brain software of one of these naturally slim people into the brain of an overweight person that person would soon drop the weight and become a slim person. The opposite applies in that if we could drop the mind software of an overweight person into a naturally slim person the slim person would soon become overweight.
It is because of the different thought patterns and processes deep in the subconscious inner mind programming of these people that they are naturally slim. How great would it be if we could have this exact same brain software so we could too be like them and not have to worry about food or our weight? We wouldn't have 'impossible to resist' cravings for junk food, and we wouldn't usually be trying to avoid exercise. We could lose that excess fat weight that is piled up on body and keep it off this time...forever.
Well, the good news is we now have the knowledge and insight into how we can alter the inner patterns of thinking in our brain to help us achieve things in life. Not only our weight but also finances, relationships and even our health can be improved by upgrading our mind 'templates' that have been formed over many years and our experiences in life.
Sometimes if we become overweight and feel 'stuck' in an unhealthy and unhappy body we can be pretty sure we are carrying around some 'junk' thinking which is not serving us well. This is in regards to misinformation and inherited wisdom about nutrition, dieting and exercise along some good old self-delusion thrown in for good measure.
The weight loss industry would have us believe that the latest diet fad will fix our problems and we might lose some weight in the short term. But 95 percent of the time any weight loss we might achieve with a short term 'fix' will come back again with some extra to boot.
Unless you fix up the roadblocks and obstacles in your mind that are the ROOT cause of you becoming and staying overweight no diet or exercise is going to work for the long-term. You will just derail yourself time and time again no matter how many of diets you begin.
You don't have to go down this dead end path ever again. What if you could look back and say to yourself "Wow, I was there but I'm sure glad I'm not now, and I know in my gut that I never will be again". How good would that be huh?
Well, you can have that. I can show you the way out with simple but proven tools and strategies that will let you be that naturally slim, fit and healthy person. And it won't just be something 'you do' it will be something - someone 'you become'.
Imagine how good that will feel? To simply BE that person you have always wanted to be - that naturally slim person who effortlessly eats right, exercises, who lives healthy...consistently and guess what? WHO ACTUALLY ENJOYS IT!
Sure, it will take a little effort, a little commitment and a little investment. After all no one is going to come up and tap you on the shoulder with a magic wand and are magically transformed. That's not going to happen...not any time soon...not ever.
Once your implement proven strategies it will take you from a place of struggle and the on-going battle with yourself to the place where there is no more struggle and you will lose weight in an easy and effortless way. And there won't be a diet plan in place.
So, it's time for YOU to step up for YOU. You must be the one who commits to YOU to follow a step-by-step, proven process to weight loss success, so that you can totally transform... and lose that weight permanently. I promise you will never regret it.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here:

Fasting For Weight Loss - 3 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Works

Fasting for weight loss has been a topic of debate for many years. Some believe that it deprives the body of certain nutrients, while others believe that it is a healthy choice and has a myriad of positive health benefits.
One type of fasting which has been getting a lot of recognition for the results it produces is intermittent fasting.
What is intermittent fasting? It is the process of alternating periods of eating with periods of not eating. The amount of time varies depending on which fasting program you choose. A popular fast is 24 hours twice a week.
So why is this process so effective? Following are 3 reasons for its success:
Weight Loss
When fasting for weight loss, you are reducing your overall weekly calorie intake as you are not eating on the days you are fasting. This alone, promotes weight loss because of calorie reduction but in addition to that, your body is utilizing your stored fat supply, which results in a thinner and leaner you.
Eat What You Want (No Strict Diet Plan)
Fasting is not like a typical diet program where you have to constantly count calories or watch what you eat. On the days you are not fasting you eat normally and then significantly reduce or not eat on your fast days. This method reduces the number of calories you are taking in on a weekly basis and promotes healthy weight loss that is sustainable because you are not depriving yourself and can still enjoy the foods you love.
Healthier Lifestyle
Studies have shown that cleansing your body through an intermittent fasting program can lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and help to ward of diseases such as alzheimer's. It can also increase your metabolism, mental alertness and increases energy levels.
If you want to increase your weight loss results while using this method add in a workout routine. Working out several days a week will help to speed up the amount of weight that you lose. Exercise is also good for your overall health.
While you are not dieting, it would help your results if you tried to eat healthier foods on the days that you are not fasting. This includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, drink ample amounts of water. Water is necessary to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
These are just 3 of the many benefits you will receive when fasting to lose weight. Before beginning any type of fasting program, you should consult with your physician to be sure that it is the right choice for you and your health needs.
To learn more about fasting for weight loss and to get our FREE Report "13 Secrets For Weight Loss Success" visit

Nutrition And Diet Wisdom for the Year Ahead

Nutrition science is a work in progress. Even the experts don't always agree. And even when they do, their advice can be hard to follow. Remember when eggs were a breakfast evil? Now experts say we can give them a break. But the occasional flip-flops and sometimes daunting information shouldn't discourage us. The truth is, we know more now than ever before about the elements that go into a healthy diet. By keeping a few basic tips in mind, we can put into practice the reliable advice that matters most to stay healthy and to lose weight and keep it off.
Favor whole foods. The closer foods from plants are to their native state, the healthier they are. Whole grains, for example, have far more fiber and other nutrients than processed grains. A piece of fruit is more nutritious than fruit juice. Other highly nutritious whole foods include nuts, seeds, and produce. Whole grains such as whole wheat and whole oats, should be at the top of the ingredients list for cereals and breads, and you should choose cereals that contain at least 5 g of fiber per serving.
For breakfast, make sure your menu includes at least one portion of fresh fruit, berries on cereal, for instance, or chopped tomato in an omelette.
Find the shortest labels. It's almost impossible to cut processed foods from your diet entirely. So when you buy them, opt for those with the fewest ingredients. They are likely to be the healthiest. While you're scanning labels, bypass foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, a source of dangerous trans fats, and high fructose corn sweeteners. The latter may raise levels of triglycerides, a form of fat linked to cardiovascular disease.
Another ingredient to keep to a minimum is salt. Reducing sodium make cut heart disease risk by up to 25%. Limiting processed foods is a good start, they account for nearly 80% of sodium in the average diet.
Divide your plate. Most Americans diets fall woefully short on vegetables and fruits. We also tend to consume more red meat and refined carbohydrates than is healthful. Try to cover half the plate with produce, one corner with lean proteins, such as fish, beans, or chicken, and one quarter with high fiber carbohydrates, such as brown rice, barley, or couscous.
Portions: do the math. Always check the serving size on the labels. If you don't, you might be fooled into thinking you're getting only 100 cal when you're really getting 400. Be realistic about how much you eat, and then do the numbers. If, like many people, you find it hard to gauge portions. Use a kitchen scale to help. Most women need 2000 cal or fewer a day. Don't overlook liquid calories, which sneak up in sugary drinks. Finally, also keep an eye unsaturated fat, the less, the better. The new year can bring you a leaner, healthier body.
You can find more diet, nutrition, weight loss, and fitness tips by visiting

Book Review - Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss

"No wonder it's so hard to lose weight- our bodies are designed to keep weight on at all costs; it's a matter of survival. It's embedded in our DNA." In essence, we are designed to gain weight, expounds Mark Hyman, M.D. in his new bestselling book Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss. This books follows on the heels of his previous bestseller, UltraPrevention: The 6-Week Plan that Will Make You Healthy for Life that he coauthored and proves to be every bit as informative. Dr. Hyman, who has a passion for the cutting-edge science of Western medicine and alternative health for over 20 years, maintains that Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss is not just another of many weight loss books on the market. Rather, the book is your body's owner's manual for overall health. He distills his knowledge into a healthy lifestyle, which reduces the factors of a number of epidemic health problems and degenerative diseases currently plaguing us, while at the same time we also gain the positive side-effect of weight loss.
Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss dives in by turning much of what we believe as conventional wisdom concerning weight loss on its head. Much of what we think we know about weight loss actually has been making us gain weight. As evidence, the book points to the fact that despite the $50 billion we spend on weight loss every year in America, whether it's diet pills, programs or exercise routines, they all have a dismal success record. In fact, for every diet we go on, we end up gaining five pounds on average in the long run. Obesity is now overtaking smoking as the number one cause of preventable deaths with almost 70 percent of the adult population and one third of our children now overweight. Compounding the problem are the profitable foods the food industry pushes, entrenched pharmaceutical companies and our own government's recommendations, especially when it comes to the "food pyramid" or low fat in our diets.
In part I, Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss exposes seven hoary myths that make us unhealthy, gain weight and keep it on. First there is the Starvation Myth: Eating less and exercising more does not equal weight loss. Next is the Calorie Myth: All calories are created equal. Third is the Fat Myth. Eating fat makes you fat. Fourth is the Carb Myth. Eating a low carb or no carb diet will make you thin. Fifth is the Sumo Wrestler Myth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight. Sixth is the French Paradox Myth: The French are thin because they drink wine and eat butter, and last but not least is the Protector Myth: Government food policies and food industry regulations protect our health. Moreover, the book points out that the introduced man-made substances such as "trans-fats", which are found in nearly every processed and packaged food because they never spoil, are adding to our overall exploding health and weight problems over the past 30 years. This consumable plastic disrupts our metabolism by actually turning on a gene in your DNA, which slows metabolism causing you to gain weight. The book also discusses another danger to our health: the man-made supersugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, which is used to sweeten almost everything these days including soft drinks. These supersugars quickly enter your bloodstream and trigger hormonal and chemical changes which induces insulin surges that tell your brain to eat more and your fat cells to store more fat.
If there are substances and foods that we eat that can trigger negative results, then surly there are ways to make us healthy and loose weight. Part II of Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss gives us the keys to turn on our metabolism and fat burning genes, turn off your weight gain genes, and program your body to lose weight automatically. The book takes this even further in part III by providing menus and recipes, along with exercise and lifestyle treatments designed to create healthy metabolism and overall health. This section of the book is designed so it can be customized to meet your unique genetic needs to optimally awaken your fat-burning DNA.
Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss provides a vivid road map to navigate our way back to health and fitness. And in so doing we will be successful in our quest for long-term weight loss without counting calories, fat grams or carbs. We don't have to starve ourselves; we simply need to eat in harmony with our genes.
John Woolf is the founder of several successful Internet technology companies including the Book Price Comparison website As a pragmatist of the world around him, he is both a critic and crusader on international politics and energy policy as it relates to our security and our impact on the global environment.
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Emotional Eating - Wisdom in Our Beliefs

As we continue our articles on emotional eating, we want to remind our readers that food is a source of fuel and most people have a deeper connection around when they eat, how much they eat and how food satisfies a need for comfort. There is an opportunity to gather wisdom from our beliefs.
Emotional eating can be devastating to your weight loss progress. One moment you are well on your journey toward an ideal body image and then you find yourself weak or vulnerable to over-eating or binging on something that is typically high calorie. It could be that your denials to your body for something in particular (whether that be chocolate, bread or specific meats) are backfiring and you are uncontrollably replenishing yourself. But for the most part, that is known as binging.
While emotions may play a role, the real concern about Emotional Eating has to do with our regular habitual patterns and food. When do we eat? Why do we eat? Or more specifically, what 'feelings' do we have about food and what feelings are we gathering about ourselves while we eat.
For some, emotions can be about comfort food. For others emotions can include the satisfaction and safety that we feel while we are eating - as in, if we are eating, everything must be OK. And of course, there are a while litany of emotions that involve our past experiences with food and eating, whether that be in social scenarios, the isolation of our family and home or out and about.
Some basic tactics that you can take to help protect yourself from the destructive nature of Emotional Eating, include:
-be disciplined in your notes on food intake.....if you are documenting your diet and consumption well, you will be more aware when these emotional eating episodes begin to arise and you will have the awareness to manage the risk,
-call it for what it is.....the whole saying that recognizing the problem is half the battle is true. If you know of your history with emotional eating and have an awareness around what that means to you, then you are ready to alert yourself that you are starting down a familiar path. And if you are truly determined (if your 'why' is grounded) then you will clinical in your non-emotional disposition of the upcoming behavior,
-talk it out.....I'm a big believer in solving life's challenges on our own but this is one area where the therapeutical nature of a trusted conversation can be a big advantage. You will realize that most people have this challenge, discover new ways to combat it and you will have the monkey off of your back, and
-know your counter tactics....decide in advance on some things that you can do to counter the upcoming bout before it gets started.
Food is not your friend nor is it your enemy. It is fuel for the body. Your body is you! Your mind may be telling you that you would 'feel better' if you ate the ice cream, drank the shake, snacked on the chocolates, but the reality is that your body suffers. So take control over your mind and be responsible TO your body.
You can learn to get a good body image. We hope that these weight loss tips prove helpful and that you are on your way toward your ideal body image.
Let The Vision Empower You!
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You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.
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